Mo. Montag | Di. Dienstag | Mi. Mittwoch | Do. Donnerstag | Fr. Freitag | Sa. Samstag | So. Sonntag |
1 | 2 11:00 Dance Resource with Snake, Irene Husung 13:00 Sensitive Waves, Bettina Plesser, mit Anmeldung 15:15 Sensitive Waves, Bettina Plesser mit Anmeldung | |||||
3 | 4 19:30 Waves, Martina Weinheimer 20:15 Fluid Beings - dancing bodies, Irene Husung | 5 20:00 Deep Wave, Marika Heinemann | 6 18:00 after work wave, Christine Maier 19:30 KIX: Journeying out of addiction, Samar Linn | 7 20:02 "move & groove" wave, Susanne Stephan | 8 19:30 5 Rhythms Dance with Oliver 〜 DANCE PRAYER TO NATURE x-dance: Creativity in Motion, Samar Linn | 9 11:00 Sunday Magic, Christine Maier |
10 | 11 19:30 Waves, Martina Weinheimer 20:15 Fluid Beings - dancing bodies, Irene Husung | 12 20:00 Deep Wave, Marika Heinemann | 13 18:00 after work wave, Christine Maier | 14 19:30 Friday-on-my-Mind-Wave, Marika Heinemann 19:45 open wave (Potsdam), Susanne Stephan 20:00 Valentinstag-Special: Dance Play Love, Irene Husung - bitte anmelden | 15 | 16 12:00 Sensitive Waves, Bettina Plesser mit Anmeldung |
17 | 18 19:30 Waves, Martina Weinheimer 20:15 Fluid Beings - dancing bodies, Irene Husung | 19 20:00 Deep Wave, Marika Heinemann | 20 18:00 after work wave, Christine Maier 19:30 KIX: Journeying out of addiction, Samar Linn | 21 19:30 Friday-on-my-Mind-Wave, Marika Heinemann 20:00 Waves to Ecstasy, Irene Husung 20:02 "move & groove" wave, Susanne Stephan | 22 19:30 Open Sensitive Waves, Bettina Plesser x-dance: Creativity in Motion, Samar Linn | 23 10:00 Waves of Energy, Bettina Leuckert |
24 | 25 19:30 Waves, Martina Weinheimer 20:15 Fluid Beings - dancing bodies, Irene Husung | 26 20:00 Deep Wave, Marika Heinemann | 27 18:00 after work wave, Christine Maier | 28 19:30 Friday-on-my-Mind-Wave, Marika Heinemann 20:00 New Moon Waves to Ecstasy, Irene Husung 20:02 "move & groove" wave, Susanne Stephan |
6. Februar 2025 18:00 - 20:00
after work wave, Christine Maier - Optionsraum 2, Spreefeld, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 12, 10179 Berlin
6. Februar 2025 19:30 - 21:30
KIX: Journeying out of addiction, Samar Linn - S+U Wedding
❗️Pre-registration Required: Please register via the contact form or email me. Spots are limited.
Contribution is €15 (reduced) | €20 (regular) | €25 (supportive)
KIX is for anyone who is curious to release themselves from their own addictions, compulsive tendencies or dependences. You are welcome to join us whether you are investigating this topic for the first time or are familiar with how it plays out in your live.
This special and unique format to investigate all forms of addiction – big or small. The work is based on Samar Linn’s long personal history of (multiple) addictions, over 12 years of recovery and professional work as a coach, facilitator and movement catalyst. Her personal journey brought to light the critical importance of a multi-layered approach to understanding and healing from addiction while her professional work built the foundation of how and why.
There is an intangible, yet very healing, journey that those who join us regularly experience. We learn – viscerally, experientially through the body – that we are not alone. The body x mind x emotions are fundamental aspects of this project and this non-judgemental, confidential and safe space allows for deep personal inquiry, compassion and freedom.
Please visit my website for more information and FAQ's.
7. Februar 2025 20:02 - 22:15
"move & groove" wave, Susanne Stephan - Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 2, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
"move & groove"
Offen für alle Erwachsenen.
Du bist herzlich willkommen!
Details und Wegbeschreibung (!)
in Deutsch:
Open to all adults.
You are very welcome!
Details and Directions (!)
in English:
8. Februar 2025 19:30 - 23:55
5 Rhythms Dance with Oliver 〜 DANCE PRAYER TO NATURE - Studio 2 @Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 in Kreuzberg, Enter building btw 2 towers, take stairs to the right, up one floor.
Subject: REGISTRATION February 8th
BODY WAVES playfully invoke high and deep physical presence through passionate dancing and powerful music. Let yourself be guided into a deepening relationship with your outer and inner body, with your self and your life, creating many moments to still the mind through movement. Liberate into the here and now through this 5 Rhythms Dance Meditation. In this class movement becomes the medicine, the meditation and the metaphor.
BRING: Open Mind. Comfortable dancing clothes, Drinking water.
OLIVER is an accredited 5Rhythms teacher, personally trained in New York City by 5 Rhythms founder Gabrielle Roth and her son Jonathan Horan. His background includes sacred movements and seated meditation in the direct lineage of G.I. Gurdjieff and a dedicated yoga practice (Teacher Certified by Richard Freeman). Oliver also is a musician. He has been based in Berlin and New York City, teaching the 5Rhythms and running his own business.
** All class and workshops hours count toward 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.**
ANMELDUNG GEWÜNSCHT (Vor Freitag morgen)Per Email:
Betreff: ANMELDUNG 8. Februar
BODY WAVES evozieren spielerisch hohe und tiefe physische Präsenz durch leidenschaftliches Tanzen und kraftvolle Musik. Lass Dich in eine verteifende Beziehung zu Deinem physischen Inneren und Äußeren leiten, zu Deinem Selbst und zu Deinem Leben. Mit vielen Momenten in denen der Geist durch Bewegung zur Ruhe kommt. Befreie Dich ins Hier und Jetzt durch diese 5 Rhythmen Tanz Meditation. Hier wird Bewegung zur Medizin, zur Meditation und zur Metapher.
MITBRINGEN: Offenen Geist, Tanzkleidung, Trinkwasser.
OLIVER ist zertifizierter 5 Rhythmen Lehrer und wurde in New York City von Gabrielle Roth, der Begründerin der 5 Rhythmen, und ihrem Sohn Jonathan Horan ausgebildet. Oliver integriert in seiner Arbeit Aspekte von G.I. Gurdjieff's Arbeit (sacred movements and seated meditation)und eine langjährige Yoga Praxis (Von Richard Freeman zum Lehrer zertifiziert). Er ist auch leidenschaftlicher Percussionist. Oliver lebt und arbeitet in Berlin & New York. Er unterrichtet die 5 Rhythmen und leitet seine eigene Firma.
Regular: €25 — Reduced: €18 — Supporter: > €25 — Or pay according to your own means
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Februar 2025 19:30 - 21:30
x-dance: Creativity in Motion, Samar Linn - Center of Dance - Kulturbrauerei- Studio A. Enter via the Courtyard next to Rewe, Studio A Schönhauser Allee 36, Berlin, 10435
9. Februar 2025 11:00 - 13:00
Sunday Magic, Christine Maier - Motions am Gleisdreieck, Tempelhofer Ufer 36, 10963 Berlin (2. Hof, 5. Etage, Studio 1)
Wir tanzen im lichtdurchfluteten Raum, es gibt Duschen in der Umkleide.
Eine Anmeldung ist erwünscht, unter
Spontane Teilnahme ohne Anmeldung möglich, bitte rechtzeitig kommen, die Türen schließen wenn alle aus der Anmeldeliste da sind.
Die 5Rhythmen® Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical und Stillness geben uns eine Möglichkeit, tief in die sich ständig verändernden Wellen des Lebens einzutauchen. Sie geben dir die Chance zu erkennen, wo du gerade stehst, um Vertrauen zu entwickeln für den Weg, der vor dir liegt. Gib der lebensbejahenden, unvorhersehbaren, faszinierenden Tanzseele in dir die Chance, endlich frei zu sein.
11. Februar 2025 19:30 - 21:00
Waves, Martina Weinheimer - Chubbuck-Studio, Boxhagener Str. 77, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain
Alle Infos bei Martina:
11. Februar 2025 20:15 - 22:15
Fluid Beings - dancing bodies, Irene Husung - PHYNIXtanzt, Südstern-Höfe, Hasenheide 54, Berlin-Kreuzberg